Frequently Asked 


What is required to take a training with CSS-International

Depending on the training chosen some per-requisite may be required such as your academic back ground and professional experience.


What is the duration of a COQSHE certification?

The COQSHE training and certification is a 6 months program with 1-2 months internship.

Do you offer First Aid, CPR & AED Training?

Yes, and also other specific safety trainings.Check our training page for more details.

Are your training and certification programs recognised nationally and internationally?

Our training programs a recognized nationally and internationally by:

– Ministry of Employment and Vocational training.
– World safety organization
– Professional Certification and Evaluation Board.


What is the cost of your training program

Cost of training vary depending on whether you choose to be train on a module or a full course.Contact us for more details.

Do you offer firefighting and emergency management training?


We are Open Monday – Friday 8 am – 5 pm

WhapAPP: + (237) 697 12 08 01

General Query:

Training Query:


Tel: + (237) 233 47 51 51

Mobile:+(237) 650 019 9 85

Carrefour du lycee, Bonamoussadi.
P.O Box 1860, Douala,Cameroon, West Africa.
